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TradeInsight Visibility Terms

By requesting or using this website, you agree to be bound by these terms of use. Please read these terms of use carefully.

You must be at least 18 years old to use this website and/or other services. By using the service, you declare and guarantee that you meet these requirements.


1. Company: Refers to RockBang (Xiamen) Network Technology Co., Ltd., its subsidiaries, successors or assigns, and related companies, including but not limited to other authorized agents and/or representatives.

2. Customer: refers to the person who provides services or access services (as defined below) for the company in www.tradeInsight.com, as well as its agents, representatives and/or counterparties, including but not limited to suppliers, suppliers, shippers, Customers, importers, exporters, carriers, guarantors, warehouse keepers, buyers and/or sellers, shipper's agents, insurers and underwriters, bulk agents, consignees, etc. The customer is responsible for providing notice and copies of these terms and conditions of service to all such agents or representatives.

3. Application Data: refers to any data related to or related to the services provided by the company to customers (excluding any user content or any other data managed by the company on behalf of other customers, or other services or products not included in the services), including but not limited to ports, carriers, customs duties, cargo lists, invoices, quotations to customers, and metadata (weight, volume, geographic location, ports, etc.) around the quotations. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, all application data shall be treated as the Company's confidential information.

4. Services: Refers to services that include but are not limited to the Company's shipping client platform, including but not limited to the Company's visualization applications, warehousing applications, client applications including reporting and analysis, origin applications, and destination applications, including but not limited to providing necessary documents, data and structured working formats to enable customers and company service providers or partners to operate the company's goods services, enabling customers to track goods in container freight stations, warehouses or third-party logistics providers, tracking goods in transit, enabling customers and company service providers or partners to upload and view documents related to goods, enable the customer's internal team to send messages about the shipment within the application, enable the customer to view the location of the shipment on the map, enable the customer to view and filter its shipment on the dashboard according to the standards of freight forwarder, carrier, route, mode, delivery date, etc., so that the customer can view its shipment in the calendar close to its last idle day, in order to plan, enable customers, company service providers or partners and authorized third parties to communicate and view relevant data about customer goods ("TradeInsight Logistics Visualization Service"), which may be provided to customers or company service providers or partners or other electronic means through Internet and company website www.tradeInsight.com (collectively referred to as "website"), includes APIs and any software and application data provided by the Company in connection with such services. As part of the services provided, customers can access the company's freight customer platform (the "platform"), communicate with the company about ongoing freight, retrieve all data related to this freight, and book freight services. Customers who only use part of the company's services may not be able to use the platform, for example, customers who only use TradeInsight logistics visualization services.

5. User Content: Refers to all content, data, and materials provided to the company in electronic or hard copy format by the customer and entered by the customer into the service or software. Landscape There are any provisions to the contrary here, and all specific user content is considered confidential information of the customer.

6. Persons who are deemed confidential information under these terms and conditions, or who exercise reasonable commercial judgment in such circumstances, should know or understand it as confidential or proprietary information. The following information will not be considered confidential: (1) information that was in the public domain before the disclosure;(2) information that became part of the public domain by any means other than violating these terms and conditions;(3) information independently developed by the receiving party without reference to the confidential information of the disclosing party, or (4) information received by a third party who has never assumed any confidentiality obligation. or the individual exercising reasonable commercial judgment in such circumstances should know or understand as confidential or proprietary.

7. User Suggestions/Feedback: Refers to any suggestions, comments, or other feedback provided by customers to the company on websites, services, or any other company products or services.

Software Use

1. Terms and Conditions: By accessing and using the Service, the customer agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions take effect on the first day the customer uses any service.

2. Registration: Customers must register an account using TradeInsight services. The specific rules for customers to use accounts include valid account name and password, real email address, and valid mobile phone contact information.

Customer agrees to:(1) as part of the registration process ("Registration Data"); (2) Maintain the security of the customer password;(3) Maintain and update the registration data and any other information provided to the company promptly, and keep it accurate, up-to-date and complete;(4) The customer is responsible for maintaining the security of the customer's account and protecting the password;(5) The customer will be fully responsible for any activity or transaction using his account or password, even if they do not know it. The customer must immediately notify the company of any breach of security or unauthorized use of the customer's account. Although the Company shall not be liable for any customer loss resulting from any unauthorized use of the Customer's account, the Customer may be liable for any loss to the Company or others resulting from such unauthorized use.

3. Access to Services: By these terms and conditions and registration criteria, the Company hereby grants the Customer limited non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, and revocable rights:(1) Access to and use of the Services, including but not limited to the Platform, Website, API and related documents and software, only in combination with the Customer's own internal activities related to or applicable to the Services;(2) Access and use any data or reports provided or provided to you by the company as part of your access and use of the service, only related to your use of the service.

4. Duration: For TradeInsight logistics visualization services, customers will be able to access according to their subscribed service plan (defined below) www.tradeInsight.com.For all other services, the customer will be able to access such services during the use of such services or otherwise communicated by the company.

5. Users: Each user account is valid for only one user and cannot be shared by multiple users at the same time or in other ways. Customers can acquire and/or reassign user accounts to new users within their organization. Users of the service are limited to the customer's employees or their suppliers.

6. Use Restrictions: It is expressly prohibited to modify, reverse engineer, reverse compile, disassemble or create derivative works that contain services or any parts or components thereof. Unless expressly authorized by these Terms and Conditions, Customer and its Users shall not split, sublicense, transfer, display, distribute, lease, resell or lease the Services or any part or component thereof to any third party. In addition, the customer shall not (1) use the service to store or transmit any virus, software routine or other code designed to allow anyone to access, disable, delete or otherwise damage software, hardware or data in an unauthorized manner, or perform any other harmful behavior;(2) Build a competitive product or service, or copy any feature or function of the service (including, not limited to, the appearance of the service);(3) interfere with or destroy the integrity or performance of the service;(4) disclose any performance information or analysis related to the service to any third party;(5) delete, change or conceal any ownership statement in or on the service, including copyright statement;(6) use the service or any of its products for any illegal or unauthorized purpose, or use in a manner that violates any law or regulation within the Customer's jurisdiction;(7) Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code, object code or infrastructure, ideas or algorithms that constitute the Service or any software, documents or data related to the Service, except in the following cases where applicable laws prohibit the limited scope of such restrictions;(8) Monitor the availability, performance or function of the service, or use it for any other benchmarking or competitive purposes;(9) Promote or allow any third party to perform any of the above actions.

7. The right to terminate use: The company reserves the right to refuse or revoke access to the Service or any part thereof at its discretion at any time, or otherwise terminate the customer's access to the service, without prior notice to the customer subject to these terms and conditions.

8. Third Party Suppliers: The customer understands the necessary hardware, software, networking, storage, and related technologies required by the Company to provide services using third-party suppliers and hosting service providers or partners, and the Customer agrees that the Company shall not assume any responsibility or obligation for the acts or omissions of such third-party suppliers or hosting service providers or partners.

9. Electronic Communication: Through the use of the service, the customer agrees to receive the company's electronic communication for all purposes, including but not limited to logistics and marketing purposes.

TradeInsight Logistics Visualization Service

1. If a customer subscribes to TradeInsight logistics visualization services, the company will provide such services at its discretion or according to the usage level (if any) specified in the customer's specific subscription plan. The customer agrees to pay the amount payable for each payment or subscription period. Current pricing will be communicated by the firm, www. trade insight. com or other agreements the Company enters into with the Customer (the "Service Plan").services beyond the customer's selected plan, the TradeInsight will charge extra.TradeInsight by using or subscribinglogistics visualization service, the customer is responsible for paying all fees payable for the entire subscription period, even if the customer cancels the subscription before the end of the subscription period. Payment should be made at the beginning of the subscription.

2. During the subscription period and subject to the customer's compliance with these terms, the customer will have the right to access and use the TradeInsight logistics visualization service consistent with the subscribed service plan, and any other applicable services provided under the plan are used only for the customer's internal business purposes.

User Content and Ownership

1. The customer retains ownership of its registration data, user logs, configuration settings, and any other data related to the service provided by the customer ("user content"). To provide any User Content through the Service, Customer hereby grants the Company a global, irrevocable, permanent, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free license to use, copy, adapt, modify, and otherwise process User Content to provide and improve the Service for all Company Users. Companies generally do not view or disclose customer user content. Sometimes, companies may need to view user content related to website services. The company may also conduct a statistical analysis of user content related to the development or optimization of our services.

2. The company will only disclose the user content to (1) employees, contractors, and affiliated organizations who need to know the information to process the information or provide services on behalf of the company, and (2) employees, contractors, and affiliated organizations who have agreed not to disclose the information. Others and we have signed contracts with them to manage our relationship. In addition to the above-mentioned employees, contractors, and affiliated organizations, the company only discloses user content when required by law, third parties, or the general public who the company believes in good faith that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect the company's property or rights.

3. The company does not claim any ownership of any such user content, and no content in these terms and conditions will be deemed to restrict any rights that the customer may have to use and utilize the customer's user content. The customer knows that the customer is fully responsible for all user content provided by the customer through the service, and the data complies with all applicable laws. The company has no obligation to review or scan any user content for any purpose, including but not limited to measuring quality, filtering content, or detecting malicious soft. The company is not responsible for any user content whether makes any statement by any applicable law or regulation.

4. By submitting or uploading user content to the service, the customer grants the company a global, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license (1) to use, copy, modify, adapt and publish the user content to provide the service to the customer; (2) Create a collection of user content or part thereof and summaries, and use, disclose and distribute such aggregates for any purpose (during and after the effective period of these terms and conditions), provided that such aggregates and summaries are not directly or indirectly recognized. other customers.

5. Despite the above provisions, customers can also disclose certain user content to the company through the company's services ("user proposal"), including but not limited to feedback and comments. By submitting a User Proposal to the Company, the Customer hereby grants the Company a royalty-free, irrevocable, permanent, non-exclusive, unlimited global license to use, copy, adapt, modify, sublicense, transmit, distribute, display, sell, transfer, incorporate into the Company's products or services, create derivative works from any such User Proposal or otherwise utilize any such User Proposal, without providing any compensation to the customer. In addition, the customer warrants that any user proposal is not subject to any license terms that are intended to require the company to comply with any additional obligations of current or future products, technologies, or services.

6. The customer acknowledges that the user content submitted or uploaded to the service, for example, by submitting an exception or posting a comment in a message thread related to the shipment, authorized third parties that have access to the data can see the user content.

7. If the customer users ask the company to delete its user content, the company will do so taking into account its administrative obligations under the law. The retention period for customs information and related documents in the EU and the United States is seven (7) years and five (5) years respectively.

Intellectual Property Rights and Trademarks

1. The company has all rights, ownership, and benefits of the service and all intellectual property rights therein. The look and feel of the Services, including, but not limited to, any custom graphics, button icons, and scripts are also the property of the Company and the Customer may not copy, imitate, or use them in whole or in part without the prior permission of the Company. The Company reserves all rights not expressly granted to the Customer in these Terms and Conditions, and the Company will not grant any license to the Customer or any other party by these Terms and Conditions, whether by implication, estoppel or otherwise unless expressly provided herein.

2. The customer acknowledges and agrees that, Unless otherwise stated, any company name, trademark, service logo, logo, commercial appearance or other brand contained in this website or service shall be owned by the company and shall not be copied, imitated, or used (in whole or in part) without the company's prior written consent. On the website or service as "No. Tripartite Trademarks" are the property of their respective owners, and the use of such third-party trademarks shall be in the interests of their respective owners.

Service Guarantee

1. Availability: The company will use commercially reasonable efforts to make the service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except for planned downtime and unforeseen circumstances mentioned in Article 7, point 2.

2. Defects: The company represents and warrants that, to its knowledge, the service does not have any major defects. If any defect is found, the customer agrees to provide the company with sufficient details to enable the company to verify and reproduce the error, and the company shall use commercially reasonable efforts to correct such defects.

3. Prevention: By using multiple data centers, companies ensure that the risk of entire server outages is minimized. In addition, back up regularly to prevent data loss.

4. Continuity of Freight Service: In case of software system failure, the company will ensure that the freight service provided will be performed by the operation team, regardless of any restrictions this may bring. Continuity of freight services will be guaranteed because the use of the platform does not fulfill the company's logistical obligations. services.

5. Security: The company will implement and maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect user content from intention. or illegal destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, or access ("security measures"). These security measures will take into account the most advanced technology, implementation costs, the nature, scope, background, and purpose of data processing, as well as the risks of different possibilities and severity of natural rights and freedoms.

Service Restrictions

1. Conditions: The service is provided as-is. Therefore, the company does not develop quantitative key performance indicators on uptime, availability, security, etc. The company is open to suggestions for improvement but will make improvements as it sees fit.

2. Accessibility: The customer understands and agrees that in the case of regular maintenance procedures or repairs, the service may not be accessible or run from time to time during normal working hours. Due to any emergency maintenance, any catastrophic system failure, any failure of the customer's equipment or system, or due to any other uncontrolled act or omission, the company will not be responsible for failing to provide access to the services during the periodic maintenance procedures or repairs of the company.

Export Compliance

The Services, Company Software, and Documentation may be subject to China's export laws and regulations, and any use or transfer of the Services, Company Software, and Documentation must be permitted under such laws and regulations.


1. Customer acknowledges these websites and services are on an" as it is"and" existing "basis, without any forms of an express or implied warranty, and your use of this website and services is at your own risk. The company does not guarantee that:(1) the website or service will meet your specific requirements,(2) the website or service will be uninterrupted, timely, safe, or error-free, or (3) the possible results of the information obtained through the use of the service will be accurate Or reliable,(4) the quality of any products, services, information or other materials obtained by the customer through the website or service will meet the customer's expectations, or (5) the website or service will be corrected.

2. Non-infringement: The company guarantees that the company owns any software contained in the software and services, including all related intellectual property rights, or has the right to grant the customer the right to use it. The Company warrants that, to its knowledge, the Service does not infringe any valid and issued U.S. patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights of any third party.

Compensation for Intellectual Property Rights

1.  Company Indemnification: The Company shall protect, indemnify and hold customers and their officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives from any litigation, cause, claim, damage, debt, claim, or liability, including reasonable fees and fees of lawyers for any third party claiming that the services infringe any valid and published patents, copyrights, trademarks or trade secrets of such third party.

2.  Customer Compensation: To the maximum extent of applicable law, Customer shall protect, indemnify and hold the Company and its subsidiaries, officers, employees, agents and representatives from any litigation, cause, claim, damage, debt, claim, or liability claimed by any third party arising from or in connection with the following reasons, including reasonable fees and attorney's fees:(1) the terms and conditions or the customer's representations, warranties or obligations under this agreement;(2) the customer and its users of the service, including any user content or data;(3) The customer or its users or any unacceptable use of the service, including but not limited to any user content or any statement, data or content, (4) any intentional or negligent act or omission of the customer or its user as prohibited by applicable law or these Terms and Conditions;(5) any infringement of any third party rights by the customer or its user, including but not limited any intellectual property rights or privacy rights.

Limitation of Liability

1. In any event, any loss of profit (whether direct or indirect), loss of use, loss of income, loss of goodwill, business interruption, loss of data, or any loss of profit by the Company to the customer or any third party by these terms and conditions or by the customer any kind of indirect, special, incidental, punitive, punitive or related to the use (or inability to use) of any part of the website or service (whether in contract or tort)consequential damages, strict liability or other, even if the customer has been informed or otherwise aware of the possibility of such damages.

2. If a claim is arising from activities related to services (including TradeInsight logistics visualization services), and any other applicable limitation of liability in Article 9, Article 12, and/or the terms and conditions of the company is determined to be unenforceable or not applicable for any reason, the company's liability is limited to the lower one of the fees paid by the customer to the company for such services, and 1 for each occurrence, 000 dollars. If the customer accepts such services on a paid subscription basis, the absolute maximum is US $10,000 per year (regardless of the number of times it occurs); If the customer does not obtain such services on a paid subscription basis, the maximum payment will be the US $100 per year, regardless of the number of times it occurs.

Links to third-party websites or resources

Services may contain links to third-party websites or resources. The company provides these links only for convenience and is not responsible for the content, products, or services on these websites or the resources or links displayed on these websites. The customer acknowledges full responsibility and assumes all risks arising from the customer's use of any third-party website or resources.

Changes in Terms and Conditions

1. The Company reserves the right to change or modify these terms and conditions or any of our other policies or guidelines at any time. The Company will provide notice by posting updated terms and conditions on the Company's website and modifying the date at the bottom of these terms and conditions. Any changes or modifications will be made from these terms and conditions in www. trade insight.com take stakes effect. The customer acknowledges that after receiving such notice, the customer to continue to use the service means to accept the revised terms and conditions.

2. The company reserves the right to temporarily or permanently modify the Service or any part thereof at any time without notifying or assuming any responsibility for the customer. Companies may modify services for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to providing new features, implementing new agreements, maintaining compatibility with emerging standards, or complying with regulatory requirements.

Privacy Policy

Based on www.tradeInsight.com handles all personal information. Through the use of the service, the customer agrees that the company collects, uses, and discloses information by the company's privacy policy. The Company may update this policy from time to time.

Applicable Law

This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be governed by and interpreted by The People's Republic of China law. Disputes arising from the performance of this Agreement between the parties shall be settled through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, a lawsuit may be filed in the people's court of the place where this agreement is signed.

Restrictions on Services and Third Party Relations

The company is not a party to the relationship or agreement between the customer and any third party to perform any duties and has no control over the quality, time, legality, failure to provide, or any other aspect of any duties performed or promised by the customer or the third party.

General Provisions

1. Non-default waiver, the company's failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these terms and conditions does not constitute a waiver of such right or provision, nor does it guarantee that the company will repeat any such action in the future.

2. severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds that any provision of these terms and conditions is invalid, the parties still agree that the court shall endeavor to give proper effect to the intention of these terms and conditions as reflected in these terms and conditions and that other provisions of these terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect.

3. Distribution, without our prior written consent, and any such attempt to transfer or transfer is invalid. Subject to the above, these terms and conditions will ensure that binding in the interests of the customer and the company's respective successors and permitted assigns. The Company may, at its sole discretion, transfer or update these Terms and Conditions.


If you have any comments or suggestions on these terms or services, you can contact the TradeInsight customer service department and we will contact you.


Created on:2022-07-20 14:38